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graphic novel by richard moore

by on May 22, 2013


Graphic novel


The assignment i was assigned to create at least 9 cells of a comic about how to deal after a break up. In the comic the layout had to be from the start of the break up and go trough the different stages a person could deal with it.


I started by reasrech different ways comics had be layed out and different style they incorperated.  I then had to come up with a  idea of what my charaters were to look like a boy or girl who was to be the broken hearted and how to elaberate on how they dealth with it and how there story would unfold to result with a solution to there problem. We were are also give some rearch information on how to deal with a break up that proved to be benafisual to the result of the finished product.


When i had my idea sorted i started to drawing the designs out on a piece of  A4 paper and then scanded it in o the computer and used illustrator cs5 where i use the pen tool to then draw it out. When i was finished with this i had 15 cells altogether. I also used the paint bucket to fill in the color of the charaters and envirnment on the image.


If i had to do this project again i would spend more time developing and working on the character designs more. to give them a more realistic look then a really cartoony style.  I have also learn a great deal of how to work illustrator and its many functions and would feel more confident in future projects to come. The end result from this project has taught me how images can desplay a story to people without ever using words and how they can be used universaly to communicate trough designs.


graphic novel print A4 size sample


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